

If you encounter any issues logging into your appointment, please email us at writingcenter@gd-sht.com 或致电757-683-4013 在办公时间内. Please note we will not have phone access during online only hours. 我们建议只在在线时间内发送电子邮件.



写作中心 (WC) provides free individual tutorials to undergraduate and graduate students, working on writing projects for any course; WC tutors are not editors or proofreaders, but they coach and encourage students to achieve independence in the composition and revision of their own work.

Our tutoring is available for both on-campus and distance students.

周一 十时七时



周三 上午十时至下午三时


星期五 下午二时至六时


周一 上午十时至下午六时



周三 下午二时至六时



星期五 下午二时至六时



周日 上午十时至晚上七时


写作中心 provides supplemental instruction to help students improve their writing strategies. 而不是提供校对服务, we offer tutoring sessions that assist students in learning to proofread their own work, 在项目启动方面, 在撰写论文的过程中.

写作中心 offers 45-minute appointments with graduate student tutors who work with individual students or with groups. Most tutoring sessions are by appointment; walk-in appointments are provided when tutors are not in a scheduled session. For distance students, we use WCOnline for online appointments. Students have the option of making standing appointments with tutors once per week for up to four weeks at a time. In addition to tutoring services for undergraduate and graduate students, we will visit classrooms to provide writing lessons and group tutorials.


Megan Boeshart,写作中心主任

  • 每周允许的预约次数: 学生每周可以预约三次.
  • 任命长度: 预约时间是45分钟.
  • 任命的证明或证明: 委员会将在约见后给教授发送电子邮件. 学生需要给我们发电子邮件 writingcenter@gd-sht.com or talk to their tutor once the appointment has concluded to get the verification sent. 我们的导师不会签署任何文件.
  • 为你的预约预约特定的导师: Provided that a particular tutor is available during the hours that you request, 他或她可以定期和你见面.
  • 错过和取消预约: 当写作中心被预定时, the only way students can get appointments is if we have a cancellation. 等厕所满了, you may be able to get an appointment at ten minutes past any hour if someone doesn't show up for an appointment. Please use the Wait List feature in our scheduling system if this happens.
  • 如果您无法预约,请发电子邮件至 writingcenter@gd-sht.com OR cancel the appointment yourself within our appointment system. 如果已经超过了约定的开始时间, you can still email us within 10 minutes of the start of the appointment to cancel without penalty.
  • 迟到预约政策: 所有的预约都是整点开始的. 我们把约会推迟10分钟. If a student doesn't show up, the appointment is considered a no-show. There is no penalty for cancellations, but there is a penalty for no-shows. 请记住我们的预约是需要的. Being a no-show means taking away an appointment from someone else. Students are allowed two missed appointments per semester (without any attempt to contact us and cancel or reschedule ahead of time). After two appointments are missed, a student's WCOnline account will be disabled.
  • 需要预约: 写作中心是一项志愿服务. The WC has a limited number of tutors and appointments and is unable to offer teaching assistance for individual instructors, 课程, 或部门.
  • 距离任命: All students can make online appointments with us via our scheduling system.
  • 时间: 请注意我们的预约是45分钟. This means we may not be able to get through an entire piece of writing, 尤其是当它超过几页的时候. We encourage students to plan ahead so they can have multiple appointments if necessary.
  • 可访问性: If you need live captioning for a real time appointment or captioning for video feedback due to a disability, please make a note in the "questions or comments" section of the appointment form that you'd like the captions and we'd be happy to provide them.


  • Use microphone and webcam to talk and work together in real time.
  • Writing is shared in an editing space that can be seen and worked on by the tutor and student at the same time.
  • Ideal for sessions where clarification, questions, or discussion needs to take place.
  • 在写作过程中的任何时候都有用吗.


  • Student submits the writing assignment guidelines and writing, 确定他们需要什么反馈.
  • The tutor creates a video where they verbally walk the student through feedback on the writing.
  • Ideal for assignments where significant writing has been done.
  • 对于论文的早期或头脑风暴阶段没有用处.
  • Student does not need to be available at the time of appointment.
  • Please do not schedule multiple appointments with the same draft with different tutors without making changes based on the feedback you receive first.


Write-Ins are weekly writing retreats hosted by the ODU 写作中心 on 周六s for graduate students. 欢迎你来一次,或者每周来一次!

如果你想在一篇文章上取得进展, 论文, 或者课程项目, 但会受益于一些安静的同志情谊, 有条理的时间专注于写作, 我们欢迎你加入我们每周一次的写作静修. Our goal is to provide a time and space for graduate students to set writing goals and work without interruption in a supportive environment. WC tutors will facilitate the session and be available for 30-minute appointments to answer specific questions or review select segments of text.

We start and end with discussing our writing goals as a group. The group offers encouragement and accountability to help keep you focused on your goals.


春季研究生写作将于1月9日星期六开始. 20th

预约时间为星期六上午11时至下午3时. 欢迎所有研究生!

If you encounter any issues joining the Zoom, please email us at writingcenter@gd-sht.com



  • 每周允许的预约次数: 学生每周可以预约三次.
  • 任命长度: 预约时间是45分钟.
  • 任命的证明或证明: 委员会将在约见后给教授发送电子邮件. 学生需要给我们发电子邮件 writingcenter@gd-sht.com or talk to their tutor once the appointment has concluded to get the verification sent. 我们的导师不会签署任何文件.
  • 为你的预约预约特定的导师: Provided that a particular tutor is available during the hours that you request, 他或她可以定期和你见面.
  • 错过和取消预约: 当写作中心被预定时, the only way students can get appointments is if we have a cancellation. 等厕所满了, you may be able to get an appointment at ten minutes past any hour if someone doesn't show up for an appointment. Please use the Wait List feature in our scheduling system if this happens.
  • 如果您无法预约,请发电子邮件至 writingcenter@gd-sht.com OR cancel the appointment yourself within our appointment system. 如果已经超过了约定的开始时间, you can still email us within 10 minutes of the start of the appointment to cancel without penalty.
  • 迟到预约政策: 所有的预约都是整点开始的. 我们把约会推迟10分钟. If a student doesn't show up, the appointment is considered a no-show. There is no penalty for cancellations, but there is a penalty for no-shows. 请记住我们的预约是需要的. Being a no-show means taking away an appointment from someone else. Students are allowed two missed appointments per semester (without any attempt to contact us and cancel or reschedule ahead of time). After two appointments are missed, a student's WCOnline account will be disabled.
  • 需要预约: 写作中心是一项志愿服务. The WC has a limited number of tutors and appointments and is unable to offer teaching assistance for individual instructors, 课程, 或部门.
  • 距离任命: All students can make online appointments with us via our scheduling system.
  • 时间: 请注意我们的预约是45分钟. This means we may not be able to get through an entire piece of writing, 尤其是当它超过几页的时候. We encourage students to plan ahead so they can have multiple appointments if necessary.
  • 可访问性: If you need live captioning for a real time appointment or captioning for video feedback due to a disability, please make a note in the "questions or comments" section of the appointment form that you'd like the captions and we'd be happy to provide them.


  • Use microphone and webcam to talk and work together in real time.
  • Writing is shared in an editing space that can be seen and worked on by the tutor and student at the same time.
  • Ideal for sessions where clarification, questions, or discussion needs to take place.
  • 在写作过程中的任何时候都有用吗.


  • Student submits the writing assignment guidelines and writing, 确定他们需要什么反馈.
  • The tutor creates a video where they verbally walk the student through feedback on the writing.
  • Ideal for assignments where significant writing has been done.
  • 对于论文的早期或头脑风暴阶段没有用处.
  • Student does not need to be available at the time of appointment.
  • Please do not schedule multiple appointments with the same draft with different tutors without making changes based on the feedback you receive first.


Write-Ins are weekly writing retreats hosted by the ODU 写作中心 on 周六s for graduate students. 欢迎你来一次,或者每周来一次!

如果你想在一篇文章上取得进展, 论文, 或者课程项目, 但会受益于一些安静的同志情谊, 有条理的时间专注于写作, 我们欢迎你加入我们每周一次的写作静修. Our goal is to provide a time and space for graduate students to set writing goals and work without interruption in a supportive environment. WC tutors will facilitate the session and be available for 30-minute appointments to answer specific questions or review select segments of text.

We start and end with discussing our writing goals as a group. The group offers encouragement and accountability to help keep you focused on your goals.


春季研究生写作将于1月9日星期六开始. 20th

预约时间为星期六上午11时至下午3时. 欢迎所有研究生!

If you encounter any issues joining the Zoom, please email us at writingcenter@gd-sht.com



